Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sunny Days = A Sunny Classroom

Besides the random snow flurries we had in NC last Monday, we are loving warmer days, no coats on the playground, and all that wonderful sunshine!!  And since I am a fan of all things cute, colorful, and creative, we've been 'blooming' in our classroom as well with spring activities.  Check out some of our latest projects.

 At a math center, students created & spelled out 'springy' words using tens and ones, then counted up how much the word was worth.
Last week we were working with money and counting sets of coins. This was a great way to end the week!  We made money flowers and put them in the polka-dot vases (wrapping paper from Target).  The students had to count up their coins to see how much their flower arrangement would cost.  SOOO bright & cheery!
 Our back bulletin board says, "Knowledge is Blooming."  Each student made a flower out of glitter and polka-dot card stock.  I absolutely love how cute these turned out! 
 For our spring acrostic poems, we brainstormed tons and tons of springy words.  They did a great job on their poems!
 Their buzzing bumble bees they made after writing a bee haiku.  We are definitely busy bees!!Thank you to Mrs. Thiessen at The First Grade Sweet Life for the quick and easy bumble bee template!

 In math we've been working on representing numbers different ways and 10 more/10 less than.  My wonderful teammate, Mrs. Gaulden came up with this cute idea.  They put 6 spots on the front and 6 on the back.  Gotta hang them up so both sides can be seen. 
A HUGE thank you to Jodi at Fun in First Grade for this idea.  We used it today to review our weekly story before our test.  
Tomorrow we will be making flowers with our -ow words on the petals and measuring how long our flowers are with rulers, unifix cubes, and paper clips.
Spring has sprung in first grade!


  1. oh my goodness, I absolutely love EVERYTHING about this post!! Those 10's and 1's words are AMAZING!!!!!

  2. I adore all these activities! So fun! I especially love the money flowers. :)

  3. I love the math ideas! Thanks so much for posting it at Math Monday Blog Hop!
